Fennel Spagyric Elixir
Fennel Spagyric Elixir
Sustainably & Ethically Sourced collected by our wildcrafting team, Fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare) Spagyric Elixir.
Ancient Methods in a Modern World
Combining the Path and Preparations of the Alchemists “Great Work” with today’s needs. Spagyrics provides the purest, most bio-available and potent compounds for maximum absorption/uptake by the body.
The process of Spagyrics creates a Full Spectrum Elixir, containing the Essential oil, Water/Ethanol based Medicinal Compounds, and Crystallized Mineral Salts.
In Spagyrics these are referenced as:
- Essential Oil – Alchemical Sulfur – Soul
- Water/Ethanol based Compounds – Alchemical Mercury – Spirit
- Crystallized Mineral Salts – Alchemical Salt – Body
Through Separation, Purification, and lastly Cohobation(recombining) we achieve an end product that is activated to its full potential. A part of the process involves introducing the sacred fire(calcination) as shown in the video.
Traditional/indigenous Use
Fennel has a long history of use in Europe as it has grown plentifully around the Mediterranean basin for millennia. Fennel is mentioned in the nine herbs charm, 10th-century Anglo-Saxon poem about the magical uses of common herbs and it gives its name to several locations, including Funchal, Portugal (from the Portuguese funcho=fennel) and Marathon, Greece (from the Greek marathos=fennel).
Fennel corresponds to the element Air and the planet Mercury.
Chew fennel before giving an important speech to feel more confident and eloquent, also before meeting important people or trying to convince someone of something.
Use fennel in a beverage or inhale its fragrance to strengthen the mind and memory. Chewing fennel while studying will help you maintain focus and retain the information.
Fennel was historically used to ease hunger pangs for those fasting of necessity or for religious reasons, thus fennel can be included in spells to combat cravings.
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We do not wish to make any medical claims, our role is to produce a Full Spectrum Spagyric Elixir, made with Love, Passion, and Intent.
Further Medicinal Study References:
Effect of Fennel on the Health Status of Menopausal Women: A Systematic and Meta-analysis - https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5949311/
Fennel for Reducing Pain in Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials - https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7697926/
Fennel and anise as estrogenic agents - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378874180810154
Recommended Use:
One Full Pipette(1ML) under the tongue, held for around 1-2 mins to allow compounds to absorb. Adjust with intuition.
Other administration methods are in water, smoothies, cooking sauces, coffee, tea, juices. Administration under the tongue is most effective.
Organic Extraction Spirit
Pure water sourced at Church Stretton, Shropshire, UK
Extracted Fennel Compounds (Soul & Spirit)
Fennel Crystallised Mineral Salts (Body)
If you are currently taking any medication or are pregnant or undergoing any treatment, we strongly recommend you consult your medical advisor before taking spagyric elixirs.
Disclaimer -
We are not a medicinal herbalist or a medical professional. These products are not meant to be used to diagnose, treat, prescribe, prevent or cure any disease or to administer in any manner to any physical ailments and are not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a trained health professional. I cannot be held liable for the decisions and choices you make and/or the outcome of those decisions and choices. You are encouraged to do your own research and consult your health care professional before treating yourself or anyone else .Do not use herbal products of any kind if you are nursing, pregnant, taking medications or undergoing treatment for any medical condition without first consulting your health care professional. Do not undertake any self-treatment while undergoing a prescribed course of medical treatment without first seeking professional advice. These products and statements have not been approved or evaluated by the MHRA or any other board of administration.
Store below 24°C/75°F.
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